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The Russian Patriarchate Choir (Anatoly Grindenko): "Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St Peter and St Paul"
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01. Initial Blessing and Litany 02. First Antiphon: Psalm 102 03. Short Litany 04. Second Antiphon: Psalm 145 05. Hymn: One and Only Son 06. Short Litany 07. Third Antiphon: The Beautitudes 08. Lesser Entry 09. Troparion for the Dedication of the Church of the Ressurection of Christ 10. Troparion to the Holy Cross 11. Troparion to the icon of the Mother of God 12. Troparion to the Apostles Peter and Paul 13. Kondakion to Saint Peter and Paul 14. Kondakion to the Mother of God 15. Trisagion 16. Prokimenon 17. Alleluia 18. Proelamation of the Gospel 19. Insistent Litany 20. Greater Entry - Hymn of the Cherubim 21. Litany of Peace 22. Kiss of Peace 23. Symbol of faith, or Creed 24. Anaphore, or canon of the Eucharist 25. Hymn to the Mother of God 26. Litany of petitions 27. The Lord's Prayer 28. Prayer and Elevation of the Holy Gifts 29. Communion verse in honour of the Holy Apostles 30. Thanksgiving after Communion 31. Dismissal 32. Acclamations
Дополнительная информация:
Хор Московского Патриархата "Древнерусский распев" под упр. А.Гринденко - Божественная Литургия на праздник Петра и Павла