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The Patriarchal Choir of Moscow, Director: Anatoli Grindenko: "Chant Mystique Orthodoxe"
  № диска - 1362 22.01.2015, 19:14
Категории: Мужской хор
Качество: 320 кбит/с
Время звучания: 01:03:04
Вес архива: 156,7 Мб
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Содержание: / Если песни не проигрываются установите последнюю версию flashplayer /
01. Come and worship our Lord (16th century znamenny chant)
02. My soul, bless the Lord (Psalm 104. Gzigue chant, end of the 17th century, for four voices)
03. Happy is the man (Psalm 1. 17th century strotchny chant)
04. Presentation of the Lord (Sticher by Andrew of Crete. 17th century strotchny chant)
05. Peaceful Light (16th century unison chant)
06. May my prayer arise to thee (Psalms 140/141. Demestvenny chant from Monastery of Suprasi. 16th century chant. Vesper responses for Lent)
07. Praise the name of the Lord. (Strotchny chant)
08. Strotchny chant for three voices
09. Partessian chant for four voices
10. Hymn to the Mother of God. 17th century chant by Tzar Alexei Mikhailovich. (Realisation: S. Boutskaia)
11. Glory be to thee, O Lord, Son of the Living God. 17th demestvenny chant. (Realisation: M. Bogomolova)
12. Cherubin. 17th century part chant. (Realisation: T. Vladychevskaia)
13. Eucharistic Chant. 17th century strotchny chant
14. Hymh to the Mother of God (17th century demestvenny chant)
15. Praise the Lord. Verses for Sunday Communion. 17th century part chant
16. Eat of the bread and you will see (Communion verses. 16th century chant from the Monastery of Suprasl)
17. Hymn to the Mother of God (strotchny chant)
18. Te Deum (Bortnianski Dimitri Stepanovitch)

Дополнительная информация:

The Patriarchal Choir of Moscow, Director: Anatoli Grindenko: "Chant Mystique Orthodoxe"

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Категория : Мужской хор | Добавил : Zavet | Теги : The, Director:, of, Patriarchal, Anatoli, Choir, Grindenko:, Mystique, Moscow, Chant
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